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Tip nĀ°15 : Food supplements

We often believe that when it's natural šŸŖ“ it's ok, so we don't ask ourselves too many questions šŸ¤”, we look on the internet šŸ‘€ and we take little pills, or capsules šŸ’Š, sometimes for a long, very long time, too much longer šŸ˜¬.

Yes, today I'm going to talk to you about šŸ’Š FOOD SUPPLEMENTS šŸ’Š, a hell of a business, you'll have to admit it šŸ¤‘.

I decided to approach this subject because I too often see arriving at my consultation šŸ‘©ā€āš•ļø patients who take a whole series of remedies, however natural they may be, whose beneficial effects sometimes seem to me ā€¦ doubtful šŸ˜³ ā€¦ d especially if these have been taken for 'years' often without interruption šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³.

It is obvious that this stems from a noble and oh so understandable will, that of getting better šŸ¤—, and following the advice of god Google šŸŒ or of a certainly well-meaning friend, we take this, and then this and then the one this one and this one again šŸ™ˆ.

Yes, we mean well, and sometimes it doesn't help ā˜¹ļø, and sometimes it does more harm than good ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø.

So on the program of the day šŸ“†, a little sweep šŸ§¹šŸ§¹šŸ§¹, just to put or restore some order, and some good advice to see more clearly šŸ‘€ with these remedies, certainly natural, but which remain substances that you introduce into your body šŸ˜‰!

šŸ‘‰ First of all, these tablets šŸ’Š are absorbed by your digestive system. If the latter sticks out his tongue a little šŸ˜› and isn't in top form šŸ¤Ŗ - a bit like the šŸ° little Duracel bunny šŸ° tired and coming to the end of his pile - you remember ā“ā“ā“ ā€¦ the risk is that these magic pills are not well assimilated, not to mention the extra work required of your digestive system already at the end of its course šŸ¤¢ ā€”> guaranteed shortness of breath from our little pink rabbit šŸ‡šŸ˜¢.

Okay, okay, a little serious šŸ˜†.

Let's resume:

šŸ‘‰ Then, all supplements šŸ’Š may look the same but are not all of good quality, far from it.

A simple advice šŸ˜‰: don't buy them at the supermarket šŸ›’ and ask your pharmacist's opinion, or better, your health practitioner šŸ„¼, he's still there for that, no ā“

Yes, just because it's 'natural' šŸŒ¼ doesn't mean it's 'natural' šŸ¤Ø.

Let me explain: sometimes you have to take a quick look šŸ§ at the composition... and there: ohhhhhh horror šŸ™ˆ we sometimes see E something appear, sugar, salt, sweeteners, flavors or artificial colors . A funny mix for a so-called natural product šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø.

Even if it's not ideal, for a single supplement it's not a big deal šŸ¤· ā™€ļø but when you take 10 a day it can be a lot šŸ™… ā™€ļø.

You will therefore not only have to deal with the complaints of your gut šŸ¤¢ but also with those of the little rabbit šŸ° whose pink will only be a distant memory because it will have turned gray šŸ˜…!

šŸ‘‰ But still, some food supplements šŸ’Š can be toxic ā›” if you take too much.

Fat-soluble vitamins, for example, are soluble in fat and therefore accumulate inside your cells.

If their dosage is too high, your cells may not appreciate ā€¦ at all āŒ!

Let's take vitamin D, which I am also a strong supporter of, as you well know šŸ˜‰.

Dosages of up to 100,000 IU, or even more, can be found on the market! With a single take, everything is fine, you will be covered for a long time šŸ‘. On the other hand, if you repeat the intake too frequently, it can increase your blood calcium šŸ©ø which may cause problems for your health šŸ‘Ž.

Caution is therefore in order šŸ™Œ!

šŸ‘‰ Note also that some supplements must be taken away from meals šŸ“, this is the case of Zinc or Bromelain for example.

Most of the time this is unfortunately not indicated on the box šŸ¤· ā™€ļø.

In addition, in chronic diseases such as cancers, certain substances are NOT indicated.

Failing to repeat myself: ask a professional for advice šŸ˜‰.

The goal here is obviously not to scare you šŸ˜Œ but to clarify that it is not because it is 'natural' that it is harmless šŸ˜‰!

šŸ‘‰ And to finish one last piece of advice: unless recommended by your doctor šŸ‘Ø āš•ļø, when we take cures, we take breaks āœ‹.

There is no point in taking remedies, sometimes very expensive šŸ’µ, for years if it doesn't get better ā˜¹ļø... or not much better šŸ˜•.

So I offer you the choice:

ā‡ļø cures of 3 or 6 months with a break of 1 month

ā‡ļø 3 weeks per month

ā‡ļø 5 days a week

ā‡ļø as is best for you šŸ˜‰.

But please, don't get your body used to continuously receiving an exogenous product = which comes from outside šŸ„“.

So yes, I want our soils to be impoverished šŸ›, that our fruits and vegetables are no longer as rich in vitamins as in the days of our grandmothers šŸ‘µ, etc.

We agree šŸ™‚ and little pink bunny too šŸ°!

This is all the more true if you buy your food at the supermarket šŸ›’.

But if you favor your purchases from your local producers šŸ‘© šŸŒ¾, when possible, and you do targeted cures (eg good liver drainage at seasonal changes or a good quality vitamin cure to fortify your system immune as winter approaches āœŒļø) AND breaks, I guarantee that our little bunny's complexion will quickly regain a beautiful pink color šŸ˜ƒšŸ‡.

šŸ‘‰ To conclude, remember: the best doctor is your body when you let it be šŸ¤ and the best pharmacy is inside you āœŒļø.

It's so well organized in there šŸ‘Œ.

Little pink bunny šŸ° joins me in wishing you a beautiful day, we say āœØāœØāœØ MIAM la Vie āœØāœØāœØ and we kiss you šŸ„°!

Dr Sandra Stallaert

Health office

Homeopath - Nutritionist

Remote consultation


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